Sunday, April 29, 2018

Rites of Spring

What you do for Spring:

- Make unrealistic lists of house projects that need to be done before summer. Realize they are unrealistic and rearrange the furniture and wash the windows instead.
- Cut a lot of your hair off for a new, lighter, summery look and deeply regret it 6 hours later.
- Also deeply regret all the Ben & Jerry's and Netflix that happened in February. Cross "get a new bathing suit" off your list and tell yourself the beach is not all that.
- Contemplate most current relationship failure. Take very little responsibility for failure, consider for 5 minutes. Watch dog videos instead.
- Spend your grocery money on Swedish clogs that are going to make your legs look long and lean despite the ice cream thing that happened in February. Love the clogs, the legs, eh, buy new flowy pants instead.
- Look at Pinterest gardening pages that offer suggestions for a border that will deter the 2 dozen new hoodlum bunnies in your backyard from eating your spring peas without hurting their feelings. Accept that there are no aesthetically pleasing fencing options and offer the peas to the bunnies as a sign of peace.

What I do for Spring

- Show up and look pretty.

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